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Welcome to our Guides section!
It is impossible to cover all of the details of our experiments in our experiments section, nor to provide all of the background information required to fully understand the methods and results. It is for this reason that we have created this Guides section.
If you want to get a quick overview of some essential terms in Natural Language Processing, just check out our Basic Definitions page.
If you want to know more about the datasets we used for the experiments and how they are structured, check out the Data Sets Guide
You want to know how to work with these datasets and prepare them for indexing in evaluation with Elasticsearch, check out our Data Parsing for Elasticsearch Guide
If you're interested in setting up your own instance of Elasticsearch - to run bigger experiments or host your own service - the Setup Elasticsearch Guide is for you.
We also have a guide on Working with Notebooks and the Ranking Evaluation API of Elasticsearch.
Stay tuned for our upcoming guide on Embeddings and Transformers and subscribe to our newsletter to get notified whenever we publish something new.